Great wheel test 2008 - Intro

Publié le par Adrien

After the good response to our 2005 and 2006 wheel tests, we would like to update the series, finally helping you to make the right choice, without being blinded by marketing or simple stiffness results that don't truly reflect how wheels perform on the road.

We mustn't forget that a wheel is made up of several interdependent parts that work together. Performance on the road depends in part on each of these parameters, taken separately!
Aerodynamics, inertia and bearing friction are at least as important as lateral stiffness. However, these factors are rarely evaluated in the available magazine tests.

The results, proposed in the following pages, have been performed by the German magazine Tour, then, more recently, by the French magazine L'Acheteur Cycliste. Where tests have been performed using the same protocol, we can compare the results directly.

Between 60 and 77 wheelsets have been tested and we hope you will like this data base as much as we do.

Part 1 - Aerodynamics
Part 2 - Inertia
Part 3 - Stiffness
Part 4 - Bearing resistance
Part 5 - Conclusion

Publié dans Etudes - Studies

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